Key Features

Find a list of some key features provided by CloakGuru we think you will love:

Feature Description
7 days Free Trial Risk-Free trial test. Check if CloakGuru works for you without having to pay anything. Extend your alias for $0.8 (yes 80 cts) per month once the trial period end.
Unlimited Alias Create as many alias as you want
Unlimited Bandwidth Receive as many emails/attachments as you want as there is no cap. Just note a single email cannot be bigger than 40 MB (including attachments)
Unlimited Reverse Alias Unlimited reverse alias to send secure and anonymous outbound message from your alias
Unlimited Blocked Senders Block as many address/domains as you want
Unlimited Reply-To Unlimited secure and anonymous Reply-To when replying to an email you have received on your alias
Real-Time Forwarding On average, emails are forwarded within 120 milli-seconds
Support for 1-Click UnSubscribe Whenever possible, CloakGuru will also forward the headers used by your web client to 1-Click Unsubscribe From List
GPG encryption key Add another layer of security by uploading your GPG key and letting CloakGuru automatically encrypt all emails forwarded by your alias
Failed Delivery Visibility Manually download emails we could not successfully forward to your alias
Replay emails from Blocked Sender Manually replay emails sent by senders you have blocked or when your alias was stopped
Alias statistic Visualize the statistic (messages forwarded, blocked or sent) of your alias in real time
Alias state management Start/Pause or Restart email forwarding for your alias on demand via a simple click
And more ... We continually add new features .. come back soon or let us know which feature you would like to see