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Send/Receive Emails

On this page, you will learn how you can send, receive and reply to emails without revealing your real email address.

Email privacy made easy

CloakGuru is transparent and non-intrusive, meaning you can start using it without having to change your email address or email application.

Refer to the sections below to learn how to forward or send messages to/from your real address using your CloakGuru alias.

Receive email

To receive an email without showing your real email address, simply share the CloakGuru alias you have created instead of your real email address. In this example, [email protected] is the alias I have created which forward messages to my real email address [email protected].

To effectively hide your email address, share your alias instead of your real contact information every time a person/service is asking for it.

Receive Email

CloakGuru automatically add a banner for you to quickly identify who is the original sender of the email, as well as a direct block link in case you no longer want to receive emails from this sender.

Reply to an email you received

When you receive an email forwarded by your alias, CloakGuru automatically adds a Reply-To header. To reply anonymously to the original sender, simply click Reply button of your email client. CloakGuru will automatically detect your request as a Reply-To and will ensure your real email address ([email protected]) is replaced by your alias ([email protected])



Reply-To address (starting with oe-xxxx) are unique and specific to your alias. In the example above, the message must be sent by the alias owner to succeed. This process is to avoid spammers share their Reply-To link on internet.

Send a new email

To send an email to a new correspondant, you must first create his/her reverse alias. Navigate to your alias within Alias Management section and click Send Message.

Enter the email address you want to send a message to. If it's a valid address, CloakGuru will share your unique reverse alias as well as all the instructions as shown below:

  • RED: The email address of your contact
  • GREEN: Reverse Alias information and instructions
  • BLUE: 1-Click shortcuts to your favorite email clients


Send an email to the reverse alias address using your real inbox ([email protected]). CloakGuru will ensure your recipient(s) see this email coming from your CloakGuru alias ([email protected])


Here is what your recipient will receive:


As you can see the email is seen as coming from your alias even though you sent it from your real email address